Company News

ICTI Standard Social Compliance Sustainability

ICTI is the abbreviation of International Council of Toy Industries - the international council of children's toy industry has office located in Hong Kong, is headquartered in NewYork.

ICTI set up the IETP program (ICTI Ethical Toy Program), a social responsibility program for factories in supply chain. The program aims to ensure fair treatment for workers in the global supply chain. To be certified ICTI, businesses must comply with strict provisions of ICTI standards on social responsibility, human rights, labor safety, working environment, income, etc.

Since 2013, the Board of Director (BOD) of Cat Thai Company has set goals to achieve ICTI certification. In order to achieve this goal, the company has not ceased to invest in equipment, modern auxiliary equipment, infrastructure, human resource training, inspection program, monitoring and evaluation to:

  • Ensure compliance with working time, resting time.
  • Ensuring working hours, salary, insurance regulations and welfare for workers.
  • Compliance with fire safety Adherence to health, environmental and chemical standards.
  • Compliance with security standards, labor safety, infrastructure and 5S.
  • Obey the issue of discipline, union. Recruit and have training regulations for workers.
  • Ensure social responsibility: human rights, child labor, forced labor and discrimination, etc.
Therefore, Cat Thai has achieved the ICTI certificate (Class A) and maintained steadily the result every year so far. This is the result of the proper combination of the BOD's strategic goal along with the total effort of the whole Cat Thai employees.

At the Cat Thai factory, third party can evaluate the plant whenever without prior notice. This shows that cat Thai is complying initiatively with the standards in seriousness, reality, and in an always ready state.

Our company not only stops at 5s, ISO 19001, ISO 14001 or ISO 26000 which is currently improving and maintaining the 7s program, Green Supplier along with modern management and technology system.

The certification of ICTI is a proof of the standard of social responsibility is being applied at Cat Thai Company

From ICTI international certification in particular, together with the system of certificates, validation from other major clients in general, this suggests, we are seriously, consciously, absolutely complying with the social responsibility system with our clients on the products of the company produced in terms of safety and humanities, workers are treated equitable in a clean, non-risky working environment and stable income.

In addition, to pursue patiently the ICTI also express company culture, the sustainable strategic orientation of Cat Thai. Quoting CEO Le Tuan Anh "If the customer does not require ICTI, Cat Thai still continues to pursue ICTI standards. Pursuing and achieving ICTI not only to serve customers but also to express the core value of the company, which is increasingly perfecting, towards the number one in the supporting industry of Vietnam".

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